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In one version of the philosophy of the self, we all operate at some point on a line between the twin poles of episodicism and narrativism. The distinction is existential, not moral. Episodicists feel and see little connection between the different parts of their life, have a more fragmentary sense of self, and tend not to believe in the concept of free will. Narrativists feel and see constant connectivity, an enduring self, and acknowledge free will as the instrument which forges their self and their connectedness. Narrativists feel responsibility for their actions and guilt over their failures; episodicists think that one thing happens, and then another thing happens. Freud in his personal life was as pure an example of an episodicist as you are likely to get. He always acted on impulse; he describes himself as ???egotistical ??? but ??? not in the least introspective???. Asked if he felt guilt about always being an absentee father to his large number of children, he replied, ???None at all.??? When Freud???s son Ali, who was angered by his father???s massive absence, later apologised in case his own behaviour had caused his father anxiety, Freud replied: ???That???s nice of you to say, but it doesn???t work like that. There is no such thing as free will ??? people just have to do what they have to do.??? He was a reader of Nietzsche, who thought us all ???pieces of fate???. His episodicism applied to such varied matters as the weather (his favourite being Irish, which comes in many unpredictable forms each day) and grief (???I hate mourning and all that kind of thing ??? I???ve never done it???). He thought the idea of an afterlife ???utterly ghastly??? ??? perhaps because such a contrivance would prove narrativism. Not surprisingly, narrativists tend to find episodicists selfish and irresponsible; while episodicists tend to find narrativists boring and bourgeois. Happily (or confusingly), in most of us these tendencies overlap.