I'm sorry, I'm not interested
???You’re early,??? a mysterious voice says as Blaine flounces into the choir room alone, and he jumps. ???Jeez! Argh! Brad! You scared the crap out of me!??? he shoots angrily at Brad the Piano Guy. ???Warn me before you talk.??? The look on Blaine’s face is absolute Chandler Bing-esque comedy gold ??? someone get Darren Criss a proper comedic role, pronto. He then whines to Brad about his rough week, and ignores the piano player’s own attempts to talk about his life problems ??? rather more serious than Blaine’s, and including a severe gambling problem and losing his house. Blaine, naturally, hears none of this as he continues to simply rant about himself and the glee club. Not noticing Brad’s scathing irritation, Blaine comes to the conclusion that if the club wants him to pipe down then he will ??? he’ll sit in the back and do absolutely nothing. He parks himself in the far corner, not his usual front row seat, and we hear gentle hissing from the wall vent behind him before he wakes up in a hallucination.